Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer with a year and half of experience in the drone industry, primarily focusing on building,and prototyping drones right from the design to the operational phase. Mentored and trained more than 30+ students in projects related to drone technology. Enjoy being a part of a team as well as managing, training and motivating a team to thrive in a high-pressure and challenging working environment.
Automobile Industry

Scope In Automobile Industry In India

Automobile Industry Automobile is a self-propelled vehicle that travels on land. It usually has four wheels. The word automotive comes from the Greek autos (self), and Latin motivus (motion), referring to any form of self-powered vehicle. This term, as proposed by Elmer Sperry. Automobile industry including passenger cars, trucks, farm equipment, and other commercial vehicles. By allowing consumers to commute long distances for work, shopping, entertainment […]