
Production Engineering 101

1. Introduction Production engineering is a branch of professional engineering that deals with planning, designing, developing and managing various operations to produce high quality products.  It includes processes such as the design development, implementation, operation, maintenance and control of all activities in the manufacture of a product. The production engineer’s primary focus is to turn […]

Basics of Career Business Analytics

Data Analyst as a Career in 2022

In today’s world, most of the researcher’s job is to go through data i.e literally the definition of “research”. However, today’s information age produces a tremendous amount of data, enough to overwhelm the most dedicated researcher. Data analysis, therefore, plays a key role in extracting this information into a more accurate and relevant form, making […]

Automobile Industry

Scope In Automobile Industry In India

Automobile Industry Automobile is a self-propelled vehicle that travels on land. It usually has four wheels. The word automotive comes from the Greek autos (self), and Latin motivus (motion), referring to any form of self-powered vehicle. This term, as proposed by Elmer Sperry. Automobile industry including passenger cars, trucks, farm equipment, and other commercial vehicles. By allowing consumers to commute long distances for work, shopping, entertainment […]

Basics of Career

How To Start A Career In E-Waste Management In India

Introduction Nowadays, managing and recycling Electronic Waste has become essential and many professionals/ environmentalists are looking at it as a career opportunity. As we know that electronic industry is growing faster across the globe and due to new policy changes in India many entrepreneurs are flooded in setting up industries and R&D centers for electronic […]

Business Development
Basics of Career Career Options Communication Skills Early Career Education Leadership Teamwork

Business Development Made Easy: A Beginner’s Guide

WHAT IS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT If I had to put it in a simple way, business development is the “art of recreation”. Let’s assume that you start something, say, a new business, or growth plan or any new service. Now, that “something” is what you intend to create and when it gets created it becomes a […]

Basics of Career Career

What is IOT? What future does it hold?

The phrase “Internet of things” was invented by Kevin Ashton who is a innovator and consumer sensor expert. He described the network connecting objects in the physical world through internet. Industrial revolution 4.0 talks about all kinds of connectivity concepts, which are the trend towards automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It covers cyber-physical […]